Transforming Communities
1,450 teachers & leaders trained · 12,710 students impacted · 694 patients cared for
INGAGE partners around the world
Each community INGAGE partners with is passionate about developing leaders and providing educational and healthcare training. We support them by sharing the skills and experiences of our team members.
Each team develops training materials and provides workshop experiences tailored to meet the needs articulated by each partner working within the local community. By establishing relationships and interacting together, everyone involved is impacted!
INGAGE teams work alongside local partners in Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Guatemala, Jordan, Kenya, Peru and Rwanda. We believe in building long-term relationships and supporting the vision of local community leaders.
Our impact during 2019/2020 and 2023 (post Covid) includes:
4 communities
250 teachers trained
60 students attended math camps
24 home visits
24 backpacks distributed
4 schools visited
120 teachers trained
100 students attended workshops
3 communities
74 educators
2200 Children impacted by improved techniques
135 Business leaders attended training workshops
75 community healthcare workers trained
30 received ultra sonography
10 received ultra sonography training
8 pop-up clinics
460 patients attended
33 teachers trained
550 students attended workshops
104 patients cared for
26 entrepreneurs developed
33 teachers trained
550 students attended workshops
104 patients cared for
26 entrepreneurs developed
2 cities, 70 leaders coached
35 educators attended retreat
3 schools visited
60 teachers trained
600 students impacted
3 Maasai schools visited
90 teachers trained
350 reusable feminine hygiene products distributed
15 educators and volunteers attended workshops
65 childrenparticipated in educational workshops
33 educators and volunteers attended workshops
65 at risk kids participated in educational workshops